Note: We are planning on conducting a 2022 "Photo of the Year" Contest. Contest details are TBD. All winning photos from our 2020 Photo Contest are displayed on the Winning Photos Page (link above). All photo entries to our 2020 Contest are displayed below.
Purposes of the "Photo of the Year" Contest: 1) to celebrate the photography talent of SVCC members 2) to have a fun experience and generate enthusiasm among SVCC members. Voting Rules (2020 Photo Contest): Each SVCC member will send an email to [email protected] with their name in the subject line. In the body enter the number of your first choice and second choice. Let me know which is first and second. The president will add one point for each first choice vote. If there is a tie, the president will add 1/2 point for each second choice vote. Hopefully, there will not be any ties at this point. The president will send an email to all SVCC members with the results by EOD November 17, 2020. Prizes (2020 Photo Contest): First Place: $50 Second Place: $25 Third Place: $20 President’s Choice: $10